Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry First Christmas!

Great pictures of Alexandra's first Christmas! She'll be 15 weeks old tomorrow!

What a cute hat!

No, that's not the Grinch...anybody know who is on Alex's shirt? I want the character's name!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Let me help!

Alexandra wanted to test the garland for durability before it was placed around the Christmas tree. She's very much into quality control these days.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Don't take my keys away!

Alex loves her keys, and is grabbing and holding them for extended periods of time!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happy 1/4 birthday to you!

THREE MONTHS OLD! These pics were taken yesterday, and one is a really good picture of her smiling. She is almost doing a "hook 'em horns" in the second picture.

We went to the doctor this morning to have a rash checked out, and I have updated weight and height, along with percentiles!

Weight: 12 lbs, 2 oz. which is at the 50th percentile
Height: 24.6 inches, which is right below the 90th percentile...hello college hoops scholarship!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Her first trip!

Alexandra- Road Warrior! She did really well during the 5-hour trek to Dallas. After about three hours in the car to and fro she became really frustrated at being strapped in her car seat, but that was it! She's a little trooper!

Showing off her moves!

Conked out on granddaddy's lap!