Saturday, February 23, 2008

First canned baby food!

A nice long clip below of Alex eating liquefied peas tonight! Earlier today, she was a cool kid out in the yard...she doesn't need her car seat in her stroller anymore!

Sweet shades!

Mmmm...liquefied peas....

Monday, February 18, 2008

Solid foods!

She ate rice cereal like a champ! There is also a 20 second video at the bottom of this post!



Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Five months old!

Wow! She is now rolling around like a pro, and is in full teething mode. Still sleeping quite well and making funny noises with her tongue. Happy five months!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

new vital stats!

The doctor visit went great, and we have new weight and height info...

Weight: 15 lbs, 8 oz...she skyrockets to just below the 75th percentile. Up from the 50th percentile in December.

Height: 25.5 inches...putting her in the 75th percentile. Down from the 90th percentile in December, and putting a temporary damper on her college hoops scholarship.

I think the nurses put a little something "extra" in the rotovirus vaccine!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Tummy time!

Look at those blue eyes!