Thursday, June 26, 2008

Peach zombie and bubble bath

If all of us could only wake up this happy (though she does sleep 15 hours a day!)

The FDA will be very interested to know that peaches turn infants into zombies!

Yay! Bubble bath!
(by the way, her nose did not turn yellowish/orange...that is peach residue)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pulling up!

Alex is now very proficient at pulling herself up from a sitting to standing position...her favorite vehicle for this is the safety gate. As you can see, she is pretty pleased with herself!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

9 month checkup!

I just noticed that almost every post title has an exclamation point at the end!

Anyway, we went to the doctor today, and have new measurements...

Weight: About a half-ounce below 20 lbs- which puts Alex just below the 75th percentile.

Height: 28.5 inches- putting Alex right between the 75th and 90th percentiles.

As far as her development, she is crawling more and more on her hands and knees, and less using the "crippled soldier" technique. Also, she is beginning to mimic sounds that we make. I can go for minutes in the car coughing back and forth with Alex, or doing raspberries. She is also pulling herself up wonderfully and sitting up without assistance.

Alex is also starting to eat yogurt and very mild swiss cheese, and has been enjoying cut up pears, mangos, bananas, carrots and avocados for months now!

Nedra and I also had our first non-family babysitter last weekend and it went swimmingly! We plan to explore our newfound freedom often!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Another video!

Sorry about the quality, but it's from my cell phone. Alex was crawling great on her hands and knees, and my cell phone was the closest thing...

Crawling and giggling!

Just a fun video!

The first clip is of Alex pestering Mina. At the end of that clip, she goes for a few seconds on her hands and knees. She's starting to get away from the "crippled soldier" crawl of the past month.

The second clip could be called "attack of the baby." The crippled soldier crawl is prominent in this video...she pulls herself up nicely to try and get the camera.

The third part is from last week, when Alex was in a giggly mood with her mom.